Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Military Ice

Military Ice - How are the tests? It is a very standard test. It's a bike and it's muscle testing. If you want to come here, do a test climb with a backpack too. So if you pass the physical and mental tests, you can come here to the regiment and do a second round of tests where we check things like how they deal with fear of heights and water and how they deal when

which makes the path a little rougher. .. On the sidelines of the meeting, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov in the first face-to-face meeting between a member of the Biden administration's cabinet and a Russian representative.

Military Ice

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Moscow's military buildup in the Arctic would likely be among the many issues the two diplomats would have to discuss. Nowhere on Earth has climate change been more evident than in the polar regions. Warming has led to a significant reduction in sea ice, opening up the Arctic to shipping during the summer months and bringing new security threats to Russia.

FRANZ JOSEF LAND, Russia — Thick green trucks carry Bastion anti-ship missiles that can be prepared for launch in just five minutes. A barracks building, which is separate from the elements like a space station, can accommodate about 150 soldiers.

And a new runway could host fighter jets, two of which recently flew over the North Pole. What do you do with someone who has just come out of freezing water? We take the person out of wet clothes and into new, dry clothes, and then we move them.

After a while they will heat up again and you will be good to go. The next step is to dry the frozen equipment. This is another inconvenience for us as we have no heating facilities.

We don't have tents, buildings, cars or anything like that. To learn more about the intricacies of navigating the harsh winter weather and the various dangers faced by the Black Crab characters and the actors themselves, Philip revealed how they survived

- and yes, how they should pee - on frozen ground. In the Swedish thriller Black Crab, a small group of soldiers are sent on a perilous journey to ice skate through enemy lines and deliver a secret cargo that could end a brutal war.

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Although the story, based on Jerker Virdborg's novel of the same name, is fictional, Sweden has a special unit that trains to carry out covert operations in the worst conditions, as seen in Black Crab .

At a briefing Thursday aboard the ship Peter the Great, Admiral Aleksandr A. Moiseyev, commander of the Northern Fleet, painted Russia's strengthening in response to increased Western military activity in the Arctic Ocean. Anchored at its base in the Murmansk Fjord, Peter the Great was visited by flocks of seagulls, which flew around the gray-painted radar masts and over the 20 anti-ship missile launch tubes.

Sailors with bladed weapons guarded the gun, apparently oblivious to the cold water lashing their faces. Throughout history, Russia has been effectively protected from the north by the frozen Arctic Ocean. But the minimum amount of sea ice in the summer in recent years is about a third less than the average in the 1980s, when the study began, researchers at the National Snow and Ice Data Center said.

based in Colorado last year. The ocean has lost nearly a million square kilometers of ice and is expected to be nearly ice-free in the summer, including the North Pole, by mid-century. To find out what it was like to take part in missions like the Black Crab, we contacted Philip, a second lieutenant in the Swedish Subarctic Parolers, an elite squadron of the K 4 regiment of the Swedish Armed Forces.

' specializing in winter warfare in the Alps. and subarctic landscape. Philip's full name cannot be revealed for security reasons and to protect him in future operations. The recession is Russia's "worst nightmare," said Michael Kofman, a senior fellow at CNA, a think tank based in Arlington, Virginia.

difficult to defend, he noted. Of the five countries with significant Arctic coastlines - Canada, Denmark, Norway, Russia and the United States - Russia is by far the longest. With reporters waving, Colonel Eminov presided over a demonstration of the anti-Bastion missiles, raising them to starting position while soldiers in white Arctic camouflage looked on.

"We are protecting the borders of our homeland," he said. "That's a deterrent." Elsewhere in the Murmansk Fjord, and not shown to reporters, there is another aspect of Russian military training: a secret program to train seals and beluga whales for missions that are not yet known.

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Satellite images revealed his sea pens at the site of a special operation. Two years ago, a mysterious harness-trained beluga, possibly a refugee, appeared in Norway and was nicknamed Whaldimir. This could become a sticking point as Washington sees the waterway as an international trade route.

The Department of Defense says it reserves the right to conduct freedom of navigation exercises in the Arctic, as it currently does in the South China Sea. In the Black Crab, an officer falls through the ice and another soldier jumps in after them.

Are you trained to handle this situation and what would be the protocol? Everyone who goes through winter warfare training in the Swedish Armed Forces is required to have an ice bath where we make a hole in the ice and then train how the body reacts

when he goes into the water and how to get yourself out of the water and then, as a unit, how do we make sure that person is OK after that. Even in the middle of winter you can have places where the ice is very thin.

That is why it is very important to really train how to deal with this situation. That's why every backpack is a waterproof pack to sail. It keeps its contents cold for up to 10 days straight with the help of a freezer gasket and 2″ thick insulation, and it has a lot of room inside (29 inches long, 13 inches wide, and 13 inches of

depth). How do you go to the bathroom without freezing? It's actually not that complicated. You just leave. Cold is not really the problem. The thing is, our goal is usually reconnaissance or combat missions behind enemy lines.

This requires more than how to meet your needs without revealing our whereabouts to the enemy. So we usually take it with us. So why not try to find a place to make a fire? We would do this in real situations if it is necessary to survive.

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The mission comes first and if we are dead we will not be able to complete the mission. How do you cover your tracks in ice and snow when you're trying to hide from enemies? It's easy to learn but takes a lifetime to master, and it gets harder and harder with every new method of drone monitoring.

But that's our mission and that's what we're good at. Is athletic background one of the things they consider when hiring people to be subarctic rangers? This is not a specific requirement, although it certainly helps.

Athletes would be more likely to get better results in physical tests. "Russia is in a way gaining new external borders that need to be protected from potential aggressors," wrote the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, an established think tank

in Berlin, on the problem of Russia's disappearing ice. In March, the Russian Navy appeared three submarines at the same time through the ice and, so the feat did not go unnoticed, they filmed it with a drone and put the film online.

The United States sailed this month on the US. New Mexico, a Virginia-class submarine, in Tromso, Norway, for a rare civilian port call. The Russian government, unlike the Trump administration's Department of Defense, openly acknowledged climate change in its latest Arctic strategy, published last year.

The latest US military strategy for the Arctic, published in 2019, euphemistically refers to the disappearance of the ice as the "changing physical environment". Philip wanted a challenge. "I was young and naive and I didn't know what I was getting into," he says.

But K 4 suited him. He was a soldier in the regiment for seven years, then went to officer school for three years. He recently resumed work as an Arctic Ranger Officer. "Inviting journalists to view these restored and revitalized Cold War sites is a point of celebration," said Marisol Maddox, Arctic analyst at the Woodrow Wilson Center's Polar Institute, an organization

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research in Washington. Do you already use ice skates in your activity? I have never used ice skates in the military sense. A few years ago, we have these magical weeks where it gets 10, 15 below zero and everything freezes.

There's no wind and there's no snow, and then we get this beautiful ice and everybody here has ice skates going up and down the frozen rivers, and it's completely magical But these conditions last for a very short time.

In my 10 or so years of winter warfare, I have never encountered a situation where I walked on ice that didn't have snow. Although the Russian military has little in common with liberal Western politicians or environmental groups such as Greenpeace, they believe that the ice is indeed disappearing.

This allowed him to steal a march on the United States. Sweden has a compulsory license, testing citizens on their skills to determine how best to spend their approximately one year of service, as well as taking into account where

would they like to be sent. As the sea ice melts, Russia is sending more and more troops and equipment to the North, largely as the first military to act on the strategic implications of climate change for the region in the

some call it the beginning of a Cold War. The Russian government and companies have developed several profitable ideas to take advantage of climate change. The use of newly accessible oil, gas and coal resources - the very resources that cause the problem in the first place - is at the top of the list.

Moscow also hopes to turn the Arctic shipping route between Europe and Asia, the Northern Sea Route, into largely a toll road, requiring payments for icebreaker pilots and escorts . "The NATO fleet routinely sails single-deck warships or even convoys" in the ocean and takes longer than before, Admiral Moiseyev said.

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He said it was the most important military operation in the region since World War II. On the Russian side, the Northern Fleet will conduct sea trials of 13 new ships this year, he said, adding to more than four dozen already in service.

Lieutenant Colonel Balabeg A. Eminov is the commander of the anti-ship battery and other facilities on Franz Josef Land, known as Base Trefoil. "The main issue in the Arctic is limited access for ships because of the ice," he said.

“Now the area of ​​open water is increasing and with it the area for naval activity. ” Until a few years ago Franz Josef Land, a collection of glacier-covered islands in the Arctic Ocean named after an Austro-Hungarian emperor, was almost uninhabited, home to polar bears, horses

- sea, sea birds and many others. But thanks to warm weather, everything is changing, and fast. How do you train for traveling on snow and ice? Mostly, it's about learning how to behave and survive in the environment.

The only way to really do this is to spend time on it. You can take someone who is a great athlete and very strong physically and mentally, but if you send them out in the middle of winter with a temperature of less than 30 degrees Celsius, they will

struggle and they may get frostbite. and other problems. We always make it easy with seasons.

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